Episode 153 | Hey Everyguys!

Welcome to another issue of Podcast Evolved

This week it's a lads only show as David, Oran and Aaron bring us a lite smattering of news with a big side of lore. There's info on an awesome Forgehub competition taking place, some 343 live streams, Halo 5 REQ updates, e-sports news and some Halo 4 multiplayer reminiscing. Then to wrap us up Aaron gives us some info on the Flood Forerunner war in lore timeline #14. 


Join us by participating in discussions and game nights with our community on our Facebook Group!!!

Evolved Crew Gamertags

  • David - CanineCerberus

  • Aaron - PerpetualBigAC

  • Oran - Tetrahedrite

Would you kindly subscribe to us on iTunes and leave us a review, or another hosting site through Feed Burner! It is greatly appreciated! Evolved!

Podcast Evolved
Episode 153 | Hey Everyguys!
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Episode 152 | Chuck E. Cheese is Terrifying

Welcome to another issue of Podcast Evolved

This week join Krysta and Aaron as they discuss the biggest news of the week, the new Halo game! Although it might not be the game you were expecting. The guys have a few thoughts on things they's like to see in this new arcade adventure so stay tuned for rampent speculation special. 


Join us by participating in discussions and game nights with our community on our Facebook Group!!!

Evolved Crew Gamertags

  • Krysta - KonanXD
  • Aaron - PerpetualBigAC

Would you kindly subscribe to us on iTunes and leave us a review, or another hosting site through Feed Burner! It is greatly appreciated! Evolved!

Podcast Evolved
Episode 152 | Chuck E. Cheese is Terrifying
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