Episode 153 | Hey Everyguys!

Welcome to another issue of Podcast Evolved

This week it's a lads only show as David, Oran and Aaron bring us a lite smattering of news with a big side of lore. There's info on an awesome Forgehub competition taking place, some 343 live streams, Halo 5 REQ updates, e-sports news and some Halo 4 multiplayer reminiscing. Then to wrap us up Aaron gives us some info on the Flood Forerunner war in lore timeline #14. 


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Evolved Crew Gamertags

  • David - CanineCerberus

  • Aaron - PerpetualBigAC

  • Oran - Tetrahedrite

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Podcast Evolved
Episode 153 | Hey Everyguys!
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