Episode 169 | Hot Halsey

We’re back after a bit of a break and the team have a lot of news to catch up on! So join David, Krysta and Ian as they discuss updates for the halo TV show, MCC Gamepass Twitter competitions, Jeff’s final community update and much much more! Then we get some lore with a little Cortana related Halo History and some Brute info.

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Episode 140 | Stardew Ian

Welcome to another issue of Podcast Evolved

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This week join the almost full crew hosted by Oran as they discuss the news and cover everything that happened with Halo in 2017 along with a quick preview of 2018. But the real meat of the episode is our lovely special first time guest Ian Francis!!


Join us by participating in discussions and game nights with our community on our Facebook Group!!!

Evolved Crew Gamertags

  • Oran - Tetrahedrite

  • Aaron - PerpetualBigAC

  • David- CanineCerberus

  • Krysta - KonanXD

Would you kindly subscribe to us on iTunes and leave us a review, or another hosting site through Feed Burner! It is greatly appreciated! Evolved!

Podcast Evolved
Ep 140
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