Episode 157 | Oran Has Left Your Party

Welcome to a special issue of Podcast Evolved

It's a full crew this week as Aaron returns to host this episode of Evolved! There's quite a lot to discuss this week, from arcade play through videos to rumours of old Halo composers being spotted in the wild. We also have the announcement of the Season 3 Lootcrates and a little Halo History. Then finally we finish the show by picking apart the Halo TV show announcement with Oran and figuring out what it could mean going forward.


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Evolved Crew Gamertags

  • David - CanineCerberus

  • Aaron - PerpetualBigAC

  • Krysta - KonanXD

  • Oran - Tetrahedrite



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Podcast Evolved
Episode 157 | Oran Has Left Your Party
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