Episode 14 | PAX Prime 2014 Recap

Welcome to Podcast Evolved Spartans! Our weekly Halo podcast that broadcasts live on Twitch every Friday night at 6pm Eastern US!

Our friend Kollin joins us after attending PAX Prime 2014 and getting some hands on time with Halo 2 Anniversary! We also welcome back David after his two week vacation. Join us while we examine all of this week's Halo news! We take a look at classic Halo 2 MP Map Lockout! Then we discuss this week's topic: DESTINY, of course.

Be sure to tune in live each week on Twitch and don't forget you can join us on Xbox Live after every show at 8pm! This week we played Halo 4! 

Evolved Crew Gamertags

  • Drew - Drewcifer R8DM 

  • David - CanineCerberus 

  • Krysta - KonanXD 


  • Kollin - Hoss Sauced

Would you kindly subscribe to us on iTunes and leave us a review, or grab our RSS Feed! It is greatly appreciated! Evolved!

Episode 14 | PAX Prime 2014 Recap
Podcast Evolved