Episode 104 | Behold A Lovely Horse (+Tiny Buck Loot Crate #2)

Welcome back to another issue of Halo Podcast Evolved!!!

After taking a week off for Halo-ween the crew is back with another Halo podcast. Apologies for Krysta's audio but there were some minor technical issues. On this week's show, David tells us all about hit trip north of the wall to visit Aaron, we discuss October's "ODST" Loot Crate, new 343 Community Managers, and Father Ted! Enjoy!

Join us by participating in discussions and game nights with our community on our Facebook Group!!

Evolved Crew Gamertags

  • Aaron - PerpetualBigAC

  • David - CanineCerberus

  • Krysta - KonanXD

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Episode 104 - Behold a Lovely Horse (+Tiny Buck)
Podcast Evolved