Episode 10 | Halo Master Chief Collection at Gamescom

Welcome to Podcast Evolved Spartans! Our weekly Halo podcast that broadcasts live on Twitch every Friday night!

This week we celebrate TEN EPISODES!!! What better way than to have the whole crew back together, one again, to talk about all things Halo! Starting with some exciting Master Cheif Collection news and another lesson from our Halo Historian, David, a stop by the Armory to learn about the nasty Brute Spike Grenade from our Quartermaster, Krysta, and Drew delves into the Halo 3 map known as Isolation for some shocking discoveries. Then we wrap up the show with some discussion on what we hope to see from the MCC in the coming weeks/months/years/etc??

Be sure to tune in live to possibly win a bonus gift as our Podcast Evolved Summer of Swag continues and the prizes get bigger and bigger! Also don't forget you can join us on Xbox Live after every show! This week is Halo 3! 

Xbox Live Gamertags

  • Drew - Drewcifer R8DM

  • David - CanineCerberus

  • Krysta - KonanXD

  • Nate - RiddickHunting

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Episode 10 | Halo Master Chief Collection at Gamescom
Podcast Evolved