Dreamhack ATL Collective Part 3

Welcome to Part 3 of the Halo Podcast Collective Episode from Dreamhack ATL 2017!

This is a very special treat everyone! While Oran and Krysta met other Halo Podcasters in Atlanta, GA for the Dreamhack Halo Champion Series Summer Finals, they were able to secure a quiet room to record an episode about our thoughts, expectations, experiences, reactions, and overall enjoyment to the event and camaraderie!

To clarify, this is the third part of the WHOLE episode. Using your podcasting service, please search Drunken Halo for Part 1, Let's Talk Halo for Part 2, and Halo Conversationalist for Part 4. Enjoy!

Join us by participating in discussions and game nights with our community on our Facebook Group!!!

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Would you kindly subscribe to us on iTunes and leave us a review, or another hosting site through Feed Burner! It is greatly appreciated! Evolved!

Dreamhack ATL Collective Part 3
Podcast Evolved