A large contingent of the Unggoy population is forcibly added to the Covenant ranks, effectively becoming slaves, c. 2142. (Halo 2: Anniversary/Terminal 10)
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In 2142, the Unggoy were discovered on their homeworld of Balaho by the Covenant and forcibly added to their list of member species. Due to their large numbers and smaller stature, Unggoy were assigned to perform menial labor, becoming the lowest class of species in the Covenant hierarchy. Though assimilated by force, the Unggoy were quick adopters of the Covenant religion, and become some of the most loyal followers of the San’Shyuum and most ardent believers in the Great Journey.
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These events are depicted in Terminal 10, Covenant Record: Unggoy Rebellion, from Halo 2: Anniversary, and referenced in the novel Broken Circle and the reference book the Halo Encyclopedia.